Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tunisia 2.0

The Tunas have held an election, and for that they should receive unqualified praise.

Unqualified praise.

What have they chosen?  According to the New York Times it is a "moderate Islamist" party, Ennahda, that won a plurality, 40%, of the vote. "Moderate Islamist:"  isn't that an oxymoron? According to Wikipedia "Islamist" is pretty closely interchangeable with "activist Islam," "militant Islam," or "political Islam."  It is a:

"set of ideologies holding that Islam is not only a religion but a political system and that modern Muslims must return to the roots of their religion by uniting politically against non-Muslims."

That is exactly how Public Occurrences defines modern Islam "as it is practiced and preached today."

That is not moderate.

Tunas, you have chosen. Congratulations. Public Occurrences looks forward to obliterating you.

You're welcome.