Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Unpopular Posts

Will the person who visited this-here blog yesterday from the Republic of Kiribati please email me (Now watch, I'll get an email from somebody in Manhattan who creates a Republic of Kiribati email address.):

Benjamin Harris

Other visitors have come from the following inn-teresting places recently:

-Bosnia and Herzegovina
-Sri Lanka
-Saudi Arabia

Top Ten Countries by pageviews:

-South Korea

Unpopular posts recently visited:

-"China's Eichmann's Defense Law," December 19, 2007: http://publicoccurrenc.blogspot.com/2007/10/chinas-great-wall-of-silence-chinas.html

-"A Million Drops of Blood," April 4, 2009: http://publicoccurrenc.blogspot.com/2009/04/chinas-great-wall-of-silence-my.html

-"Dr. Wang Rongfen's Punking of Carma Hinton," February 8, 2008: http://publicoccurrenc.blogspot.com/2008/01/chinas-great-wall-of-silence-wang_31.html

-"Ward Churchill," July 25, 2007: http://publicoccurrenc.blogspot.com/2007/07/more-on-ward-churchill-scandal.html

-"True Crime Stories: Blanket Party," September 14, 2006: http://publicoccurrenc.blogspot.com/2006/09/true-crime-stories-blanket-party.html

Search keywords:


-public occurrences truly states

-rolls royce lenin ski

Image: "I think monsters are the most inn-teresting people.  Monsters have the most inn-teresting lives.  Oh the places you must go and the people you must meet, my stars."