Monday, February 27, 2012

The Soul of China.

What do you think that is?

It's apropos of part of a follow-up to an email received last week:

Most of Chinese live, but only live...
1/ I got some info. from web, over 110,000 officers of China took over 5000 billion (781billon $) out of China.
2/ Many officer of China are China nationality, but only he/she was, his/her family are USA...
3/ China government news: previous minister of China Railways, defalcated 2 billions ...
As an american, took justice action for Chinese, I respect you !!
Thanks from [name withheld] !

Corruption is to Chinese what street crime is to Americans: the most demoralizing aspect of society.  The image at top, and those below, are of a...prison in China. A prison reserved for those convicted of corruption. Dr. Weimin Mo sent these to me some weeks ago and they're all over the web.  It made me so angry I couldn't write about it, and I'm not even Chinese. I can only imagine how galling this must be to Chinese.

The other part of the email is "Most Chinese live but only live..."  I'm going to ask the writer to fill in the ellipses.