Saturday, September 21, 2013

The '70's Show.

These are some of the scores of today's games in American college tackle football:
77-7. In progress!

In addition:
52-7. In progress.

It is embarrassing. These are colleges. Institutions of higher learning. The players are 18-21 years old. And these results are not random. These games were planned, scheduled in advance, these results expected. Why would college presidents deliberately plan these hopeless games for their students to play? $$. The winners want an extra game on their campuses because 60,000-100,000 of their fanatics will buy the tickets for these nauseatingly predictable, one-sided "contests." And the losers presidents agree to send their students to get humiliated in these games because they are guaranteed a cut of the money the winners big crowds pay. It's the pursuit of happiness. The most important "American value" is this-here: $. That's the lesson these college presidents want to give their students. It's embarrassing.