Two things-Still not mad-striking-Oh, come on, I don't get mad THAT much-about CDC not having hospital staff who cared for Mr. Duncan on their watch list. One, it showed a helluva lot of confidence in those Ebola suits! In the training of hospital guys. You can hear CDC thinking, "No need to watch those guys. As if." You could hear that in Dr. Frieden's statement over the weekend: "Our protocol was breached." The protocol was fail-proof, it was inconceivable to them that if protocol was followed a nurse, an American-trained nurse, could contract the virus. Second, they were as settled on their conception of transmission: Ebola could only be transmitted through direct contact through a body opening from "an object." Not "surfaces and materials." Helluva lot of confidence there, too. They were sure, "to a reasonable scientific certainty."
So, yeah. Helluva lot of rethinking called for here.
So, yeah. Helluva lot of rethinking called for here.