Thursday, October 30, 2014


"The patch was as unique to her particular aircraft as a fingerprint is to an individual. Research has now shown that a section of aircraft aluminum TIGHAR found on Nikumaroro in 1991 matches that fingerprint in many respects. For a detailed study of this important new development see The Window, The Patch, and The Artifact, Research Bulletin #73 on the TIGHAR website."

That's a fail. 

1. TIGHAR cite to no forensic authority for their assertion that the patch was "unique."
2. As unique "as a fingerprint." In fact, the National Academies of Science in a review of all the forensic fields has stated that there is insufficient scientific basis to make the claim of uniqueness as to fingerprints! And have recommended against fingerprint comparison experts so testifying. 
3. "Match." NAS says drop the "match."

At this point TIGHAR has proved nothing. However the evidence is strongly supportive of their proposition that the found evidence came from Amelia Earhart's aircraft.