Thursday, October 02, 2014

"New York teen dies after football collision: Is sport too dangerous?"-Christian Science Monitor.

This is the headline that makes the National Football League shudder. The league refuses to acknowledge that the sport causes CTE, chronic traumatic encephalopathy. Deaths are rare in the sport at whatever level, but they do happen as to this high school player. The problem for the NFL is enscapulated in the Monitor's headline. The sport is very violent and how much can be done to protect players from serious injury tends to be an exercise in circular reasoning. To stop serious injury or death you have to make the sport less violent; to make the sport less violent is to make it a different sport. The players in the NFL are so big and so fast that the technology can't keep up. When you have a moving 300 lb human being collide with a 250 lb human being moving in the opposite direction or even standing stationary, that is the "tackle" in tackle football. Tackling is a violent act, violent acts sometimes produce injury or death. The technology, the helmets and body padding can reduce but not eliminate injury. Circular problem. Big problem for the NFL.