Saturday, July 16, 2016


The Trump-Pence campaign logo was designed by fourth rate computer software pre-programmed to output interlocking initials in the star field of the American flag or by a high school senior with a non-future in graphic design. The monogram is not instantly identifiable as a "T" and a "P," it is stylized at expense of clarity, the stylized stripes of the flag are a distraction to the monogram. Taken as a whole it does not look like a cleverly stylized flag, it does not look like a flag, the monogram does not conceivably double as stars. Taken seperately the monogram looks "industrial," the "P" looks like a broken chain link, "manufacturing industrial," Ticonderoga-Pendleton Industries, or service industry, "Thompson-Price Accounting," and smooshing the monogram together with the red stripes causes the eye to go back and forth to make of it a coherent whole and the eye fails and says, "whatever." The faux stylized look is completely at odds with the look of Trump's primary slogan, "Make America Great Again," which was simple and shmaltzy but immediately understandable and direct. It is a complete change in look. It is sterile, cold, impersonal. MAGA became to Nazis endearingly amateurish. This is undearingly faux professional. I have no "sight" for monograms. However, although I cannot envision it precisely there do seem to be enough verticals and horizontals and right angles in the monogram that you could, maybe, turn it into a stylized swastika that would then look like something whereas now it looks like a stupid monogram.

Trump has got a great name, very graphically appealing, short like his dick, short enough that it is instantly taken in by the eye, unlike "Dukakis," and which has been his branding mark for 40 years. Is Clownstick One now going to have that awful monogrammed flag replace the gold TRUMP?  K. If they had their hearts set on a monogram for reasons known only to themselves they could have still had a clear instantly recognizable symbol for the initials:

But their computer software and their high school senior weren't programmed for that. They were programmed to provide an investment bank monogram so that's that.