Saturday, September 24, 2016

A few peoplez have clicked on this old post this morning,, the subject of which was:

"With their acquisitive drive for wealth and happiness, their love of commerce, their economic and (in earlier times) territorial expansiveness, and their universalistic ideology, [Americans] never had it in them to wall themselves off from the rest of the world."-Robert Kagan in The New Republic.

The learned commentary upon which was:

Yeh-ep. Unfortunately, what Kagan says there is accurate. The soul of America is the pursuit of happiness. Unfortunately, America pursues its foreign policy by the stars of its birth curse. Unfortunately, as Kagan has written elsewhere, "Americans are from Mars, Europeans are from Venus." Unfortunately, Kagan thinks that is a good thing! He doesn't think the p.o.h. is a curse nor a p.o.h.-based foreign policy star-crossed. Unfortunately, Kagan is influential. Unfortunately, so is his wife, for Robert Kagan is First Laddie to Victoria "Fuck the EU" Nuland. America and its foreign policy are cursed by the two of them. Unfortunately.