Thursday, September 15, 2016

Chinese Moon Festival

Also known as the Mid-Autumn Festival.

My Chinese food delivery girl told me when she arrived a few minutes ago. She's such a sweet little thing. Knocked, I answered the door. Big smile with "Hi!". "Today Chinese Moon Festival" she said, pointing. My view was blocked by my building so I stepped out. "See. Big round moon." As full and as round and as bright as was her face, I thought, but thought better of saying. I would have meant it as a compliment but you never know how a woman is going to take it.

We chatted briefly. "Where are you from in China?" "Beijing, Beijing City." Never heard it called Beijing City before. "I've been there twice." Big, pretty, moon face lit up. "Once in 2006, once in 2008." She has been in the States for six years. "My husband," she didn't look old enough to be married, had a job with a company, I think she said "manufacturing," a company maybe manufacturing some product and the company having something to do with Venezuela, "but then the economy" and she made a thumbs-down sign. Her husband has now opened a driving school and she wants to go or is going, to school for acupuncture.

"Have you been back?" I asked her twice, in different parts of the brief conversation, but she understood as "Will you go back?" She and her husband are not going to go back but I don't know if she had been back. What do I think, has she been back?...Hmmm. No. Met her husband in Beijing-God! How old can she be if she was married in Beijing in 2010 at the latest.-and then immediately moved here, no, I don't think she's been back.

Man, I bet her folks are pissed about that. Very close families, Chinese. Remind me of Jewish families. I can hear her mother crying on the phone every time she calls, lol. I'll bet they spend half their salaries on phone calls. And if she doesn't call! Hoo-doggie. Lolol.

Love the Chinese people. I swear the only assholes in the entire country are the ones who run the government. Lol.