Friday, September 16, 2016

Razing PSU

There was a time when that could have happened.

Do you know when that time was?



Not by RICO, by Temple University. If they refused to play PSU.

By the University of Pittsburgh, if they had refused to schedule them after PSU was revealed to be a corrupt organization.

By the University of Virginia. The first university scheduled to play PSU after the revelations.

By the Big 10 Conference. They took Paterno's name off a trophy. If they had kicked PSU out...

If other universities had refused to play PSU, if they refuse to play them now, if they refuse to schedule them in the future, PSU would have died, or would be dying, or will die. Football built PSU. Take football away and you raze PSU.

That is all it would (appropriate tense) take.

They didn't. And they won't. It is (tense) all about football money.

Add all of those schools, past, present, and future to the list of PSU's enablers.

Image: the first Google images under the search term indicated. And it goes on, and on, and on.