Sunday, December 31, 2017

"Chinese Construction Workers Discovered Dozens of Perfectly Preserved Dinosaur Eggs"

I'm calling that a "poor" headline. Why? The hook in that story is "dozens of perfectly preserved dinosaur eggs." What is the point of saying "construction workers discovered" them? Would it have been any less headline worthy if lawyers had discovered them? Office workers? No. I'd knock off "discovered" too. Too long. "Found."Headlines are supposed to be short. "WAR!" Benjamin Franklin (my namesake) gently told Thomas Jefferson to take a little off the top in the Dec. of Ind. He gave the example of a shop owner's sign. ''John Thompson, Hatmaker. Fashionable Hats Sold Inside for Ready Money,'' with a drawing of a hat. Who cares who is selling them? Are you like the Louis Vuitton of hats? Take the name out. "Fashionable"? What, to distinguish from the competition who only sell un-fashionable hats. Take it out. "Sold"? As opposed to give aways. "Inside"? "Ready Money"? Leave the drawing of the hat, Ben Franklin said.

Applying Franklin's razor to the above headline we get,

Chinese Construction Workers Discovered Dozens of Perfectly Preserved Dinosaur Eggs Found in China.