Tuesday, July 17, 2018

No country, over the past few centuries, has been free of turmoil and tragedy. It is as if there were a restlessness and a capacity for violence at the center of the human spirit that can never be contained, so that no society can achieve a perfect tranquility. Yet in every country, too, humans have shown a love of beauty,...a gentleness...and a yearning for justice "that have cut across the darkness and filled their world with light.-Jonathan Spence

Those (here!) who are of a sentimental turn, who tear up in movies, at weddings, whenever the lights of gentleness and justice are illumed may want to skip this post for on Sunday last at midnight, 20 year-old college student Walter Carr began an all night twenty mile walk from his home to his first job. I wanted to be there before 8. I wanted to beat the crew members there to let the company know how dedicated I am." His car had broken down and attempts to get a ride at a decent hour from friends were unavailing. So Walter hoofed it.

At about 4:00 a.m. police officers from Pelham, Alabama stopped to check on his well-being and whereabout he was going. "You won't believe this," Walter began and then told them his story. They believed him. They believed him the full 100 and took him to breakfast, bought him some food for lunch later, and then drove him to his job site.

The manager of the Bellhops was impressed the full 1000 with Walter's dedication and gave him his family's car.

It is now safe to put down the tissue.

Good night Walter Carr, Good night Pelham PD, and God bless you all.