Saturday, September 26, 2020

Plague of Trump Sept. 15, 11:51 p.m.

Total Killed by Trump: 203,746

Killed by Trump Sept. 25: 948

Total Cases of Trump Plague: 7,032,595

Cases Sept. 25: a staggering 54,595, most since Sept. 4. I will say that I would not be surprised if tomorrow when Hopkins tallies the Cases anew that that 54.598k number may be revised downward. Hopkins does that sometimes.

The New York Times' 14-day averages are not good:

The Times' 7-day Cases average through Sept. 24:

Since Sept. 12 the seven-day average has risen from 34.588k to 41.860k on Sept 24.

The 7-day Deaths average line through Sept. 24:

The 7-day Deaths average has fallen from a recent Sept. 15 high of 878 to a seven-day average from Sept. 18-24 of 740, an impressive decline. The average has ticked up in the last two iterations from 721 on Sept. 22 to 735 Sept. 23 and 740 on Sept. 24, a minimal increase over only two iterations. Daily Deaths tomorrow, Sept. 26, will probably be about the same as today. The Deaths average will probably remain about where it is tonight. But more Deaths are coming. We have a 12-day, and if today's Daily Cases number from Hopkins is not revised downward, a thirteen-day mini-bulge of Cases that will result in more Deaths than we are seeing currently in the next two-four weeks.

The bottom line is poor tonight. 14-day Cases are up 17%, Deaths +5%.