Wednesday, December 30, 2020


Sen. Hawley announces he will contest certification of electoral college vote


And that is all Trump needed for his constitutional coup d’etat to take the futile, next, final step: one Senator.  With any number of Republican House members announcing their willingness to further the coup, Hawley, of Missouri, gives them the floor debate they need to delay the inevitable and official: President Biden. Six, I believe, states electors will be challenged on Jan. 6, triggering two hours of debate per. That will drag it into Jan. 7. There will be protests, probably sometimes violent, that whole day into night into Jan. 7. The coup has its best, although long, chance of partial success in the Senate where the anti-democrats have control, but even if that long play bears rotten fruit it takes both houses of Congress to agree to toss a state’s electoral votes and there’a not a snowball’s chance the anti-democrats’ play will survive the democratic Democratic House.

This will fail. President Biden will be official. However, this is also the anti-democrats’ first attempt. It took Hitler a couple of elections too. America has what looks like a vast, durable anti-democratic minority. They will have another go in 2024 if not sooner.