Monday, March 14, 2022

CNN was passed the contents of a U.S. cable sent to our allies after National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan met with his PRC counterpart in Rome. The cable advised that China was willing to send aid to Russia and that,

Among the assistance Russia requested was pre-packaged, non-perishable military food kits, known in the US as "meal, ready-to-eat," or MREs, according to two sources familiar with the matter. The request underscores the basic logistical challenges that military analysts and officials say have stymied Russian progress in Ukraine -- and raises questions about the fundamental readiness of the Russian military. 

It does, which would be perhaps just one, but one, reason why the Russians are "stalled." source reports have shown Russian troops breaking into grocery stores in search of food as the invasion has progressed. One of the sources suggested that food might be a request that China would be willing to meet, because it stops short of lethal assistance that would be seen as deeply provocative by the west.

Very interesting stuff late today from McPaper and Noodles.