Sunday, March 20, 2022

COVID-19 BIDEN+423 (March 19, 2022)

Saturday was the last full day of the reporting week so I thought we'd do a full roundup.

14-day changes

-35% Cases.
-50% Hospitalizations.
-27% Deaths. D's are only about half H's. That is due to the death interval.

7-day daily averages

29,715 Cases. UP from 29,645 May 12-18.
20,086 Hospitalizations. Down 3,758/day, 26,306 for the week! :o
1,127 Deaths. Down 40/day. That is still an embarrassing number. It's not all the death interval. D's have not made the relative progress that the other two categories have. I don't know why. I have been waiting impatiently to celebrate when we get down into triple digits for a while. We're not close yet and at the rate of 40/day it'll take 28 more days to get there. It has not been a smooth slope downward for D's either, as it has for the other two categories. D's trail is strewn with outcrops of jagged upticks.



