Saturday, March 19, 2022

Death Lingers

Coronavirus cases in the U.S. are as low as they have ever been; Hospitalizations lower than at any period other than at the initial explosion of the epidemic in early April 2020, and the bottoming out in the summer of 2021. Deaths, however, have lingered. In the 7-day period ending March 18 Deaths in the U.S. were 1,167/day, 8,169 in a week, more than all the Russians killed in Ukraine since Feb. 24. The 1,167/day is a substantial drop and Deaths -25% over the last two weeks, but is nowhere near 1) the first trough in early July 2020 after we had locked down and masked up, nor the peak of the summer 2020 high when IllegiTrump gave up and called on states to LIBERATE their citizens for death 2) the Fall Back of 2020 3) the summer 2021 crater 4) nor even Delta's Dusk. There is the death interval, about a month, but Death is stubborn and it lingers.