Saturday, March 19, 2022

Different article on same:

Russian rocket attack turns Ukrainian marine base to rubble, killing dozens. 

MYKOLAIV, Ukraine — The headquarters of the 36th Ukrainian Naval Infantry Brigade based in the southern city of Mykolaiv is no more. 

An early morning rocket attack a day earlier destroyed the base’s barracks where an unknown number of marines were sleeping. It killed as many as 40 marines, according to a senior Ukrainian military official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to reveal sensitive military information.

That number would make it one of the single deadliest attacks on Ukrainian forces since the start of the war three weeks ago. But there are indications that the death toll could be much higher.

When I read the account of the first hypersonic attack, which I believe had the toll at 48, I thought the same thing: that is unusually large.

 The senior Ukrainian official said it was likely that the barracks had been hit by a longer-range weapon, like an Iskander-M ballistic missile...[which is hypersonic. Long-range means it was fired from Russia. The Ukrainians can't do anything about that. They can't attack the base in Russia and all the defensive weapons the West sends them are of little to no use against missiles traveling at hypersonic speeds. This is GAME OVER for Ukraine and is the reason Volo wants a talk with Putin "now." It's too late, Volo. They're winning quickly now.

For weeks, Russian forces have been massed on the outskirts of Mykolaiv...The Ukrainian military’s defenses in Mykolaiv have so far held, though not without losses. ...

Yeah well, there's going to be few Ukrainian troops left to hold those defenses. What took Russia so long? Why did they waste so much time, effort and bloodshed randomly attacking civilians. This military base is "no more." They could have done this with a lot fewer casualties to innocent Ukrainian civilian life, and their own troops' lives. I am not happy that Russia is winning, AT ALL, but that Russia would win eventually was and remains a given. They just wasted a lot of life and Putin and Volo put the U.S. and NATO at great risk of becoming involved in a nuclear conflagration before Putin hit on the "right" tactic.