Wednesday, March 16, 2022

I have a question, which I am sure I know the answer to, but what the hey: Why doesn't Ukraine attack Russian cities? Because Rus would FOR SHER nuke them! That's what I thought but who amongst us is not tempted to render Rostov-on-Don, Rostov-be-Gone?

I mean, the Ukrainians are down there anyway. There's beleaguered Mariupol. Right across the narrows of the Sea of Azof is Rostov-on-Don. The Rooskis there would go ape shit! He-he-he. The citizenry of Berlin wuz SHOCKED! when the RAF flew their first lonely, ineffectual sortie over the Nazi capital. THE NERVE OF THOSE BRITISH BASTARDS! Never mind that they had reduced London to rubble. The idea of the Brits giving them a taste of their own medicine never occurred to them! It was a tremendous blow to the German psyche, seriously. But, Uncle Alf didn't have WMD. It's a fair point. (Still delicious to contemplate...OKAY, I'LL STOP!)