Friday, March 25, 2022

I think negotiations with Russia ought to be adjusted. Putin has now narrowed his war aims to the suburbs of western Moscow. At the beginning you'll recall his aim was "decapitation" of the current Ukrainian regime, installation of a puppet, Trump, forcing Ukraine to be "neutral" between Russia and the West and then stating that further resistance would imperil Ukraine's "statehood."

So I like those in reverse. That is, I think any negotiations should begin with the decapitation of the current Russian regime; I believe that we should insist on installation of a puppet, Trump, as Russia's new president; I would want Russia to be "neutered", forced to disarm her nuclear arsenal--all under pain of carving up the Russian carcass and distributing pieces to whomever we want. In return for these liberal proposals we would be willing to issue a non-binding recommendation to the International Court of Justice that after conviction at his war crimes trial Putin be sentenced to life in prison.