Friday, March 11, 2022

War Day 17: "Intelligence points to heightened risk of Russian chemical attack in Ukraine, officials say"

I would go further (as I usually do). Doesn’t this point to Putin’s military intentions beyond Ukraine to all of Europe, and the United States? Is he not serving notice that he intends to be done with us? Really, is there any path back for him to even eventual rapprochement with the West after Ukraine? And that's before he uses biochem weapons. He is burning all bridges. When you do that, are you not showing your intent to destroy the enemy? Putin is showing his hand: he intends to destroy Europe and America. Yes, really. With biochem and nuclear weapons. Manifestly he cannot destroy Europe or America with his conventional military. He was awfully quick to play the nuke card, no? He has seized Chernobyl and Zaporizhzhia and his troops are getting close to another nuclear station at Yuzhnoukrainsk. Why would he be doing that but to, when he wants, use "dirty bombs"? His nuclear stockpile is larger and more accurate than is America's. And he has hypersonic vehicles, which give U.S. defenses about 15 minutes to shoot down, to deliver nuclear warheads.

MUKACHEVO, Ukraine — The United States and its allies have intelligence that Russia may be preparing to use chemical weapons against Ukraine, U.S. and European officials said Friday, as Moscow sought to invigorate its faltering military offensive through increasingly brutal assaults across multiple Ukrainian cities.

Security officials and diplomats said the intelligence, which they declined to detail, pointed to possible preparations by Russia for deploying chemical munitions...
Russia...has used outlawed nerve agents in at least two assassination attempts against political foes of President Vladimir Putin in the past three years, including at least once outside its borders, Western intelligence agencies concluded.

Navalny is one. And they now have their Syrian biochem buddies in the fight.

Because the U.S. and European officials declined to describe the nature of the intelligence pointing to a possible Russian chemical attack in Ukraine, it was impossible to determine how significant it might be.

“It’s more than an urgent concern,” one European official said of the prospects for a Russian chemical attack. “Clearly there’s been an increase in the threat.”

A senior NATO official added that Russia “is preparing the ground for a chemical or bioweapons attack.”