Tuesday, March 15, 2022

'Something going badly wrong'  

Russia losing 3 key generals  

sign Putin only just hanging on

 Western officials believe having such high-ranking officers so far forward to the front in the early stages of the invasion is significant.

 One official said: "You would expect to see that at a point when troops are unable to make decisions of their own and lack situational awareness or are fearful of moving forward, at which point more senior officers come forward to lead from the front."


...Former RAF Commander Edward Stringer said the presence of three leading military figures at the front and their subsequent death does not bode well for Russia.

Good intel. That's the kind of thing non-military people don't know!

"Major Generals don't normally get that close to the front. If they do, something is going very badly wrong...to try and salvage something from this, the generals are at the front whipping the troops for one last effort."

Excellent by the Express UK.