Friday, March 18, 2022

You can see what time I went to bed last night. My son left on a difficult out of town work trip and for the first time in months I had my phone with ringer on right by my bed, I don't know, in case he needed to call me, parents get intuitions about these things. In this instance the intuition was completely unfounded. Instead, what the parent got was a fucking Alert at 6:30 a.m. that a boy in Pembroke Pines, Florida was missing. The Alert rang like my alarm clock fog horn, BAH! BAH! BAH! BAH!, and since it was my alarm and I was in a stupor I thought, "Ah yes, I set the alarm. Time to get up." Then I saw it was the Alert. I lay back in bed and tried to get a little more sleep. Nugatory. At 8:15 the phone rang, "Da-la-ling, da-la-ling," and looking at the area code I thought it could be my son calling from his hotel. "Hello." "This is the Police and Sheriff's Benevolent Association." Click. Now I was a little pissed, "What the hell are they calling at 8:15 a.m. for, I thought there were laws about when you could and could not call."  Still too tired to be fully pissed though, I got up, what the fuck else am I going to do. I left the phone ringer on (the parental intuition thing) and have gotten three more junk calls today. I texted my son to call me if he had a chance to let me know how the day was going, parental solicitation, and he did, but had to go after about five minutes and said he'd call me back. So, the phone ringer must stay on. I am going to deactivate that goddamned alert system, though.