Thursday, April 04, 2024

Cobb noted that the 11th Circuit has rebuked Cannon’s handling of the case before, which has been tremendously delayed under Cannon.

“Her delays here are extraordinary,” he said, noting that it was “remarkable” that Cannon has not yet set a trial date.

Cobb pushed back on the idea that Cannon’s so-called missteps could be explained simply by inexperience or incompetence, saying, “the evidence of her bias is pretty palpable at this stage of the game.”

“I think the evidence [of bias] is just too overwhelming,” he later added. “I mean, yes, she may be incompetent, but at this stage of the game, her incompetence is so gross that I think it clearly creates the perception of partiality, and her attempt to put her thumb on the scale. So, I think that should disqualify her.”

-The Hill