Friday, April 05, 2024

Infamous Powers are at work: Male Cows DID beat Earthquakes. That's 4 L's in 5 for them.

Okay, what's going on in the thoroughly scrambled East standings. Let's see.

1. Boston City. Duh.
2. Beer 14 light-years behind but only 1 ahead of...
3. Eerie Effect, who are one ahead of...
4. Disney, who are ahead only on a tie-breaker with...
5. Manny Hatty Earthquakes, who have a game in hand and are 1.5 up on...
6. Indiana Marymount, who are .5 up on...
7. Miam-uh, who have a game on them, but who are only 1 ahead of...
8. PhilaBoo,

Beer, Eerie, Disney, Earthquakes, "Heat", and PhilaBoo have 5 games left. Indiana has 4 remaining. 5 games separate 2, Beer from 8 PhilaBoo. PhilaBoo could not unreasonably finish as high 4th. Beer could reasonably finish 5th; Cle could finish 7th; Disney's range is to probably 7th; Earthquakes could as likely finish 8th as 2nd or 3rd; Indiana Marymount is precarious having played one more game than the others in the 2 to 8 slots; Miami could reasonably finish 3rd to 9th but have that extra game. They are playing as well or better than every team 2 through 8. 

Fearless seeding predictions end regular season:

1. Boston City
2. Beer
3. Eerie Effect
4. Disney
5. πŸŽͺπŸ”₯
6. Earthquakes______--Playoffs-
7. PhilaBoo --Play-in--
8. Indiana Marymount. --Play-in--

Playoff pairings

Boston City vs. PhilaBoo. Boston will win.
Beer vs Indiana Marymount. Beer will win.
Eerie Effect vs Earthquakes. Earthquakes will win.
Disney vs πŸŽͺπŸ”₯. πŸŽͺπŸ”₯ will win. 

Second Round

Boston City vs. πŸŽͺπŸ”₯. Boston will win.
Eerie Effect vs Earthquakes. Earthquakes will win.

Boston City vs Earthquakes. Boston City will win.

NBA Finals
Boston City vs. West Champion.