Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Justice Merchan was entirely dismissive today of def arguments that Trumpie didn’t violate his gag order; and they lost a juror who had been chosen over Trumpie’s edited repost of a broadcast by a sober and intelligent 🦊 individual,

who called jurors “undercover liberal activists” who were trying to get on the jury, and who broadcast personal details about them. The next day the juror came in and said that people had been able to identify her from the 🦊 intelligent, non-drug user’s broadcast. The D.A. said this morning that they were not seeking to put Trumpie in jail for violating the gag order, merely to fine him. 

Still, Merchan did not rule on whether he found violations of the gag order had occurred and if so what sanctions he would impose. He’s taking the night to mull it over, evidently.