Saturday, April 20, 2024

Politics and Justice in the Miami State Attorney’s Office

Oh my goodness.

That was my honest first reaction when I texted my family the two news stories linked below.

Rundle prosecutors disqualified

Florida Association of Criminal Defense Attorneys

That’s two separate cases in two months.

Subsequent to the family text I read the judge’s Order of disqualification:

Judge Wolfson Order Disqualifying

There is so much more that could be said about that office, like here, the danger of working with flips, which has become sop there, and I have said a lot of it. In my best effort to schematize the constellation of issues into an equation, I get:


And it is inter-institutional: D.A.’s Office + Police Departments + Press.

Katherine Fernandez Rundle is 74 years old, she has been the State Attorney of Miami-Dade County for 30 yrs. She has prosecuted one police officer for a shooting in those 30 years. 

Rundle developed a practice of hiring back older former ASAs. I worked with everyone mentioned in those articles, including the two judges, who are also former prosecutors. Maybe as you get older your ethics become elastic, I don’t know, but Rundle has to go. She’s up for reelection this year and she will win again. We can’t get her out through the ballot box. DeSantis should replace her, but he won’t. She’s a Law & Order Democrat, the only good kind for him.