Thursday, June 13, 2024


Peoplez iz dumpin' they crap all over Luka Doncic' head today.

I've also rarely seen ESPN's Brian Windhorst so offended. He did two separate SportsCenter hits excoriating Doncic for his performance, one with Zubin Mehenti, then a second with Scott Van Pelt.

First, on TV.

Second, on TV (but I'm only showing one).

Third, in print today:

Fill in the blank: Luka Doncic's Game 3 performance was ______.

Windhorst: Completely unacceptable. No one can tell Doncic anything. Not teammates, not coaches, not executives, not media, not fans, not referees. There have been a lot of pleas and promises that he'll improve, but this one is going to leave a mark. He is a truly brilliant player, once in a generation. But he is going to have to look in the mirror and confront his weaknesses before he's on the other side of a Finals. His defensive effort in these Finals has simply been crushing to his team, his complaining to the referees is painful and his frustration fouls probably just cost his team a chance at making this a series because he fouled out. He is one of the biggest stars in the league, and that means he is held to a higher standard, especially at this level. He failed to meet it in this game, and he's going to have to deal with that whether he likes it or not.