Thursday, June 20, 2024

Evelyn fired from the surf.

Okay, I give up.

TOWNE: Chinatown was a story I needed to tell.  

TWO days ago. Which Chinatown story, Towne? This one, the 8/3/73 draft?...

is dazed. She looks behind her. Reaches into her coat -
pulls out the .45.
Then she forces the car door open against the surf, which
she steps into - it roils around her knees.
A couple of more shots are fired toward her - one hitting
the plane
, the other the car. ['Member I toldja 'bout the seaplane scene. It appears in every draft I have reviewed, 8/3/73, 9/7/73, 10/9/73--but not in the movie.]
Evelyn plants herself in the surf. 'She takes the .45, holds
it carefully in two hands.

The third draft? The moviescript? 

Congratulations on your Oscar.