Friday, June 14, 2024

Men Behaving Badly

Hearing Mariel Hemingway, then 17 years old, describe how Woody Allen attacked her "like a linebacker" in the carriage kiss scene in Central Park convinced me that he did, duh. He also had sex with the 16 year-old model for Tracey (no last name provided by Allen; she was just a sex object, underaged). He flew to Sun Valley to try to convince her to go to Paris with him and it was Ms. Hemingway who had to step into the maturity and guardian void left by her parents, who encouraged her to accompany Allen, to put her foot down and say no to Allen, who departed on the next flight, his mission failed.

Ms. Hemingway's story convinced me also that Allen raped Dylan Farrow when she was, as I recall, 8 years old.

The cases of Louis CK are a bit more nuanced beat me whip me but he forced a woman to stay when she was headed out the door of his suite. 

Roman Polansky of course is still at large with the French repeatedly refusing the man who drugged and raped a 13-year old in Jack Nicholson's home.

Harvey Weinstein, of course.

Stanley Kubrick ruined Shelley Duvall's life. Peter Bogdanovich and Ryan O'Neal, inflicted cruel, lasting pain on a 8 or 9-year old, Ryan's biological daughter, Tatum, during the filming of Paper Moon and for years after. Tatum has forgiven him.Bogdanovich treated his better, and his former wife, the brilliant Polly Platt in Last Picture Show and Paper Moon.

Peter Sellars was a horror of a father and husband, especially a father, and had violent verbal conflicts with director Blake Edwards.

Chantal Akerman was a misogynist against men in Jeanne Dielman.

Bill Murray was verbally cruel and violent toward Richard Dreyfuss and producer Laura Ziskin.

These people, all but one a man, are horrors as human beings to varying degrees in a narrow spectrum of misconduct from the inappropriate to the criminal and inhumanly cruel.

I cannot conclude with this sample size that film-making brings out the sociopaths, the psychopaths, and the inhuman, but the evidence is mounting and I cannot watch any more of the films of the above. As they have ruined so many lives, and largely got away with it, I cannot enjoy their films. They have in fact ruined their works for me. 

They are some of the worst human beings on the planet, or recently present. They are insult to the art form and to the human spirit.

The Boston "Celtics", getting pancaked by 42 in a game that could have seen them life the Larry O'Brien Trophy as NBA champions, didn't show up tonight and made no effort to play once they took the floor. They too, as entertainers, debase themselves and degrade the integrity of the NBA game by these performances that are now two, three, and more seasons in the making.

It's not enjoyable any longer to watch any of these elite entertainers. None are elite. They are a con on the ticket-paying public. There can now longer be any looking away. There a disease in all. And it is contagious and metastasizing.