Monday, June 03, 2024

My hometown

Cambria County, Pennsylvania is renowned as one of the largest, deepest shitholes on the planet. A place with residents of such staggering incompetence, such profound imbecility, so defective a moral compass, that one could fence it with sign announcing it as home for the feeble-minded and no one would note any dissimilarity.

Even by the standards that it sets, the Cambria County “investigation” of the five infanticides committed by the babies’ mother, this ogre, Stella Elizabeth Williams, discovered in 1980, is breathtaking in its uncomprehended and incomprehensible incompetence. I have itemized the counts in the indictment I make on several previous occasions.
Birthed of the unnatural union of sow and Big Foot, Stella Elizabeth Williamson is the star attraction in the Cambria County Freak Show. But there are others in the sideshows.

The handling of this case had angered me for decades, as it clearly does still, for its callous incompetence that rises to conscious indifference; never angered me to the level it does today however, for I had never attributed actual moral depravity to the people of Cambria County. 

Off the big tent, but not too far off is John Barron, the coroner in the case.

Show and tell dead babies, class! Isn’t this fun? 




It is shocking. You do that in a jurisdiction where the average IQ is just a nudge over 65 and your police instructor’s license gets pulled, your certification as coroner gets lifted, you're arrested for desecration of a corpse, you're ruined for life, and you're banished. Oh right, but you already live in Cambria County. Never mind.

But Barron wasn't done! After (giving him the benefit of doubt) exhibiting the "mummified" corpse of the baby with the "light, blonde hair", Barron had to decide how to give all five infants a proper burial. He chose to commingle their bones in an unmarked common grave in a pauper's cemetery, you know, so as not to attract curiosity seekers. Meanwhile, Williamson, in her final troll of Cambria County officialdom, hid her secrets by express instruction in a note until "after I am buried" and received a lovely resting place.

No curiosity seekers have disturbed the grave of Cambria County's most notorious mass murderess by, for example, knocking over the headstone, opening the grave, removing the corpse and displaying it in classes of instruction, or exhuming the body for use in target practice by Johnstown police trainees.

Instead you see in the words of at least one, maybe two, of them right there, and in the actions of all who had their diseased fingerprints on this case, that the people of Cambria County, Pennsylvania are like, "Duh. Huh?" They are so ignorant and so morally bankrupt as not even to comprehend the depths of their ignorance and depravity. They write proud little comments about being able to handle the body of a murdered baby for the rest of Sick Cop School to see. And they get a little ❤️ of appreciation, three 👍 and an impressed comment from the uploader:


WOW, that would have been so neat to witness (if one can do the required detachment when dealing with any form of human post mortem examination, let alone infantile).  YOU were a PART of that HISTORY.  My hats off. (sic)

Yes @dca3174, YOU are a PART of HISTORY. Congratulations for instantiating the history and the reality of Cambria County, and the quintessence of Cambria County (Wo)Man. Hats off to you. What a lovely remembrance. Thanks for sharing.

It is the human large bowel drainage tube of the Commonwealth where only shit is produced, only shit comes out, and nothing ever goes in, the residents not just stupid but the cause of stupidity in others. Anger gives way to rage, shame metastasizes into humiliation.  It is shattering, personally, for I share something with Stella Williamson, with John Barron, with dca3174. It is Cambria County, Pennsylvania, where I grew up.