Friday, June 21, 2024

There are decades when nothing happens and weeks when decades happen

Today and Monday Corrupt Cannon is holding hearings on the disqualification of Jack Smith on grounds that his appointment as Special Counsel was unconstitutional and that funding for his office should be cut off. 

Any day now the Corrupt Supreme Court will rule whether Trumpie has immunity from prosecution and if so, to what extent. The Court may also rule on the constitutionality of the Special Counsel appointment.

On June 27 the first presidential debate will be held by CNN in Atlanta.

These seven days will go some way in determining whether America remains a country governed by the rule of law or by the rule of men. They will also likely affect the public's decision on who the man will be who will be president in five months.

June 30 to July 7, the French national elections, which will determine whether a man or woman will lead France, and whether a moderate, globally engaged course is continued or a new isolationist, racist turn is charted.

And on July 4, America's Independence Day, national elections take place in the Mother Country, to choose a new path or to stay the course.