Saturday, June 22, 2024

This is the problem. Where is the president?

Politico is the leading webzine devoted to politics. These are Politico’s political ledes at 10:02 pm.

                            Trump addressing an evangelical rally.

Trump, Trump, Trump

                             The guy playing Trump for President Biden in debate prep.

Biden and Netanyahu

That’s four full political stories on Trump before one even gets to the first story that mentions President Biden, and then in the context of debate prep against Trump. And then—the sixth story of Biden and Netanyahu. That’s 4.5 stories on Trump, two half stories on Biden.

That’s unacceptable! That’s incompetent political campaigning. You would think he was the Secretary of HUD, or the Secretary of State for all the public appearances he makes. No wonder his base is unenthused. We never see him! 

President Biden should be giving his own speeches to his own supporters frequently. Instead he goes to California for a private fundraiser with President Obama to raise $40M. This election is not going to be decided by advertising. I’m sorry Mr. President, the people know who you are. We need face time with you! He needs stories being written about him alone. 

He is going to lose this race if he doesn’t get out there in person.