Saturday, July 20, 2024

AOC Instagram Yesterday

Here on Youtube.

She is upset at congressional elites, off the record comments, the donors, pundits, who haven't gamed out for her Who and How. She acknowledges that people of good will, meaning Dems, all have their eyes on the prize, defeating Trump, and can disagree that Biden is the best one to accomplish that cardinal mission. The Dems she is really pissed off at however are those like me who think (most of the time, almost all, not quite all, but to a standard of satisfy my conscience) that Heroic Trump will defeat ANY DEM, INCLUDING BIDEN. Aside from those substantive disagreements with this, er, replacement theory, her concern is logistics.

1) "I have a watch. I'm looking at my watch and the calendar". 

2) Running a presidential campaign as a plug-in start-up, she's not saying it can't be done, she's saying those who want that haven't given her a look under the hood to say how it would get done. 

3) That's when she says if people think there's a consensus among the ABJ'ers on Harris, they're mistaken. She has heard her colleagues say they don't want Harris either.

4) Biden-Harris campaign money is not transferable to a third candidate. 

5) There is a legal "gray zone" on ballot access in, most prominently but not exclusively, Ohio if the Dem prez nominee is changed.

Starting at 37:25, a take--how she "assesses"--, something I didn't know about Biden:

"He had the debate that he had. That debate had no people, there was no audience. And then people saw, he did a rally the next day and he did amazing, he did a rally, I believe in North Carolina and it went super super well. You have to understand these people are human beings and, from what I assess, Joe Biden needs the energy of people around him and he just did a rally in Detroit and when he's around thousands of people that is how he resonates."

6) She is against an open convention. 47:00. "I think...that is crazy."

She ends repeating, "If you think a lot of the folks who are in charge of swaying this decision (Joe In or Joe Out) are defaulting to the vice president, you would be mistaken.