Friday, July 19, 2024

Memo To: White Democrats From: a White Democrat: It's not working.

He's not getting out. Your steady drip-drip-drip Chinese water torture, or alternatively your Chinese attempt at death by a thousand cuts, is not working. PoJo is not withdrawing. "By this weekend", you're dreaming. "The family is now talking to him", no they're not. All you are doing is making the inevitable more catastrophic--for you. You are weakening your top of the ticket and it will cause you to lose seats that you wouldn't have lost if you had been so intent on maiming him. 

Heroic Trump is going to beat Biden, there is no doubt in my mind of that. You will not lose seats, however. There is this thing called ticket-splitting, maybe you have heard of it from your constituents. It's an American thing. You will not lose seats unless you minnows continue to attempt to swallow your whale. Americans respect loyalty. They don't respect disloyalty. They see and hear you out there attacking the old lion and they disrespect you for it. You are making it more likely that they will vote for Biden and vote against you. Because they hate this disloyalty; they hate seeing a man kicked and beaten when he is down. 

White Demos, you need to pay attention to the loyal members of your caucus: the Lefties, the people of color. They are standing firm with PoJo and their seats are not in jeopardy. I believe that PoJo should have withdrawn. But after Heroic Trump there is no alternative but to stick with Joe. Have you an alternative, white Demos? Is there some white knight out there that your polling shows clearly would beat Trump and save your white asses? You know there is not. Have you whites thought what you would be doing to Kamala Harris, a woman of color, if you could, which you can't, force PoJo out? Harris will be beaten as surely as PoJo will be. And voters will hate you for foisting someone on them who they did not vote for in the primaries. I'll offer you a compromise. If Bernie Sanders or AOC or Jim Clyburn comes out for PoJo to "pass the torch" I will rejoin your feeding frenzy. But if they do not, you must stop your feeding frenzy. I'd offer to shake on it but your handshake doesn't mean anything. As a white man of the Left, I stand with the Left and with the Progressive Caucus, the Hispanic Caucus, and the Congressional Black Caucus.