Sunday, July 07, 2024


The first projections in the 2024 French legislative election say leftists have won most seats. The surprise projections put President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist alliance in second and the far right in third.


 They had just days to come together. The leaders of France’s left-wing parties have acknowledged they made compromises to unite in an effort to keep the far-right National Rally party from taking power in France.

That is what we need in the U.S. Union against the dire threat from the far right.

Some voters considered France’s image in the world 

There are growing crowds at République plaza, where the French left traditionally gathers. It erupted in cheers after surprise projections showed a leftist coalition ahead in legislative elections and the far right in third.

 The leftist coalition quickly formed in response to speculation that the far-right, anti-immigration National Rally would surge to a historic victory. It could have meant the formation of France’s first far-right government since World War II.

“It’s important that France, one of the founders of the EU, doesn’t have a bad image in the world, the image of a country led by populists,” said Marie Lippini, a 24-year-old student from Aix-en-Provence.