Saturday, July 06, 2024

“We’ll probably know in the next couple of days..." if Biden stays in the race--Hawaii Gov. Josh Green

"I’m standing by the president until he tells me otherwise,” said Green.

As AP notes, "Biden has repeatedly insisted that he will remain in the race..." So, he didn't tell you, governor? Did he not tell you and all of the Democratic governors that he was staying in the race?

What is this, Brave New World? Alice in Wonderland? Gas Light? Has he "repeatedly" lied, to the public, to his own campaign staff? "I give you my word as a Biden!" is how the president expresses to us that his words are his bond.

...if Biden decides not to run...Green told The Associated Press on Saturday that he believes the president will designate Vice President Kamala Harris to replace him on the ticket.

What do you know that the public doesn't, Gov. Green? 

What in the world is going on?