Tuesday, October 19, 2010

China's Great Firewall.


Okay, this I laughed at. So that's what it looks like when someone tries to access Public Occurrences in the PRC. 

Seeing it is amazing. God bless Mr. Mu, I have no idea how he was able to do this. I love his little commentary: "The first second;" then "In less than 3 seconds it changed to this."  I sent him back an email explaining again:

Mr. Mu, it's the "Great Firewall," the internet police. I'm so sorry but I can tell you they're published and are being read, including in the PRC.


Hope he believes me.

It's just comical. I just can't believe they do this. And it's so inept. They can't, or demonstrably don't, prevent emails to and from a Foreign Devil. And what I write--and anybody else writes--eventually gets in, it just takes longer than without the hassle of censorship. But they still do this. They have over 300,000 people whose sole job it is to do this. Amazing.