Thursday, February 17, 2011

Egypt 2.0

Ladies and gentiles, meet "Fawaz Gerges."

It was this interesting individual who was quoted in the January 30 post here as saying,

"This is the Arab world's Berlin moment. The authoritarian wall has fallen, and that's regardless of whether Mubarak survives,"

which saying from Fawaz Gerges elicited this pithy retort from the undersigned,

"If this is the Arab world's Berlin moment, and authoritarianism has fallen in that world I will fly to London to kiss Fawaz Gerges a**" *

Fawaz was (or is, I don't know) also a consultant for ABC News. On December 14, 2006 Fawaz was interviewed by Lynn Neary of NPR. He related the following:

"I think it would be very misleading to see that, to say, as some people in the United States and the West argue, that anti-Semitism has migrated from its home base in Europe, particularly Germany and other counties, to the Muslim world."

His concluding remark was,

"I really believe that both the Jews and the Palestinians, basically, are, have suffered from similar historical injustices."

And so there you you have it. Fawaz Gerges. 

*That does not count as the use of a word requiring asterisks as it's a quote and therefore grandfathered in.