Friday, February 25, 2011

Democracy in Arabia

"This is the Arab world's Berlin moment. The authoritarian wall has fallen, and that's regardless of whether Mubarak survives." 

Dr. Fawaz Gerges
Tahrir Square
Free Egypt

Dear Fawaz,

I dislocated my shoulder.

I wasn't looking and some Fleeing Tunisians bumped into me on their way to Lampedusa and I fell against the Arab world's authoritarian wall.

Fawaz, the Tunisian election on March 15 has been canceled.  Ohhhh.

Has the League of Egyptian Women Voters met yet to recommend a presidential debate format?  I see that the Egyptian army, that agent of the swine Americans, has not yet lifted the state of emergency of that agent of the swine Americans Hosni Mubarak. Ohhhh.

Yemen's "strongman" American ally is still in place, Bahrain's king is still impalaced, the kingdom of the House of Saud is still a kingdom, and our noble Libyan brothers are still fighting Qaddafi.

Fawaz, the Prophet Muhammad taught us that the first person to reason by analogy was the devil. Fawaz, your analogy of the Egyptian protests as the Arab world's Berlin moment was overstated a bit peut-etre, no?

Benjamin el American Agent Harris.