Saturday, September 15, 2018

Hurricane Florence Finis

PISS poor job of covering this, Fourth Estate, you ought to be ashamed of yourselves. You tried to fan hysteria, you fanned only cynicism, with your walls of water. Bored, politicians? Are your puny lives so uneventful that you have to manufacture drama? "Biblical," "Monster," the thesaurus got a workout, huh? Put it back on the shelf for another year?

Hurricane Florence became a Cat1 as soon as it hit land, then quickly a Tropical Storm, now, what Southern Zephyr Florence? It will putter up the Ohio Valley and drench Western Pennsylvania--Look out Johnstown!--and then peter out entirely early next week.

The storm killed five people, two when a tree fell on their house, one who was electrocuted when he tried to connect electrical cords outside in the rain, one when he went looking for his dog (NOI), and the last of heart attack, NOI.