Tuesday, September 18, 2018

In the most twee move of any sports club since Manchester City announced "a holistic approach" to soccer the Los Angeles "Clippers" of the NBA announced today the hiring of Lee Jenkins; Lee Jenkins is a writer for Sports Illustrated; the Clip Ship hired sportswriter Lee Jenkins for the new position which they done just created, as..."Executive Director of Research and Identity."

The creation of the position of Executive Director of Research and Identity is a decision that LAC will regret but once, and that is continuously.

Peut-etre comme ci comme ca the Picksburgh "Stillers" are in need of an Executive Director of Research and Identity on accounta there's some bad water flowin' in the three rivers. Some headlines:

Where Was Antonio Brown?
Where Antonio Brown was not was at practice today.

What is going on in Pittsburgh?

Is Steel City Crumbling?

"It's a Circus There"

A circus? Who are these guys? Note: Pittsburghers do not go to watch their NFL team play and expect a circus to break out. Yet, in recent results and goin's on one can see, squint, coming into focus, yes, there it is!...

a clown face blooming as alt-logo on the blank side of the "Steelers" helmets.