Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Rosey: Wilting or Blooming?

Sixteen months ago deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein was repeatedly "emotional," his emotions swung from pole to pole, he behaved "erratically," irrationally, his thought processes were disturbed.

That is alarming behavior. It would have been viewed as alarming behavior in any large organization. And something would have been done about it. The head of human resources would have been made aware; all of the employee's supervisors would have been apprised; there would have been an "intervention: meetings with and about the employee, outside help obtained, leave with or without pay, suspension, demotion, up to firing.

On these facts, in the position Rosenstein held, if I had had the power, I would have fired him. I am looking at this strictly from an employer-employee perspective. I am not considering the Russia investigation of Trump. Yet, that we know of, nothing was done to or about employee Rosenstein sixteen months ago. Or since!

It is now sixteen months later. We, the public, are learning of Rosenstein's nervous breakdown just now. Surely, Jeff Sessions didn't just find out about it. Sessions has the power to fire Rosenstein. When did Trump first hear? Surely not when The New York Times published the account. Right? Trump does not have the power to fire Rosenstein. Trump has the power to fire Sessions.

I presume that Sessions knew about this pretty much in real time as it was happening. He would have witnessed some of it himself; or McCabe, the acting director of the FBI for godssake, would have told him; SOMEbody would have told him. Beyond a reasonable doubt Sessions knew about Rosenstein's nervous breakdown previous to the Times article. Yet, Sessions did nothing that we know of; manifestly he did not fire or demote Rosenstein.

After ~sixteen months can Sessions still fire Rosenstein? That is the rub. If we presume that Rosenstein has not had another nervous breakdown I don't think Sessions can. If Rosenstein has been fine since, it's too long now.

Trump can fire Sessions, is going to fire Sessions, is breaking out in hives he's so itchy to fire Sessions, and Trump's replacement can fire Rosenstein. What if Trump found out about Rosenstein's nervous breakdown remotely, I don't know, just say, "a long time ago"?  He has been itchy to fire Sessions for a long time. Why didn't he "a long time ago" if he knew about Rosenstein's nervous breakdown "a long time ago"? Fear of Mueller. Unfounded fear: I am telling you that if Trump, remotely or currently, based his decision to fire Jeff Sessions solely on Sessions' inaction on Rosenstein's nervous breakdown Mueller could have no issue. Could not have an issue. Rosenstein's breakdown is Trump's break.

Why could Trump fire Sessions now if Sessions could not fire Rosenstein now? Because Sessions' firing offense is ongoing. Sessions' inaction on Rosenstein has occurred on May 9, 2017, May 10, 2017, May 11, 2017, June 13, 2017, August 31, 2017,September 25, 2017, December 31, 2017, May 9, 2018, September 25, 2018--on every day since the Comey firing.

Yet, he hasn't. Why? Yep, fear of Mueller time. Trump's got Red Foxes yelling in his ear "It's a Mueller trap!" "It's a Mueller trap! Rudy-the-Tranny should call up Mueller and ask him. "Hey Bob you piece of shit if Trump cans Sessions now would you have an issue?" I bet Mueller would be straight with him and tell him no. I bet Mueller would say, "Rudy-the-Tranny, you is sooo STOOpid. Of course I wouldn't have an issue with it! How could I?!"

If I were Trump...Egads! I cannot do that...If I had the power to fire Jeff Sessions I would absolutely fire Jeff Sessions now for not firing or demoting Rod Rosenstein from on or about May 9, 2017 to present. I don't listen to Red Foxes. I'm rational.