Sunday, September 01, 2019

It's a September morn. And it's the morning after for college tackle football fanaticos. Among those waking with a celebratory headache, and those wishing themselves dead drunk:

My beloved Pitt Panthers gave up the first ten points of the game to Virginny, led 14-13 at the half, gave up the first ten points of the second half, and then one TD as icing on the Ketchup Bottle and were routed by the "Cavaliers" 30-13.

Mack Brown. Mack Brown had North Carolina on the cusp of greatness once upon a time, forsook Tobacco Road's drug money for the black gold of Texas, achieved greatness there, grew old and stale and resigned, comme ci comme ca, became a gray eminence in retirement and then (Thirsting relevance again? To prove he still had it?) accepted UNC's offer to come home again. Last night was his first game back. The "Tar Heels" opened against rival South Carolina from the hated SEC. Mack almost showed he didn't have it again; took a knee at midfield with 10 seconds left, you know, to run out the clock; apparently did not know that it was fourth down, that's called a turnover there, a chilled apple turnover, giving the "Gamecocks" one last play but the pass was intercepted and Mack avoided mud on his face. In the on-field interview immediately after the game ol' Mack got something in his eyes and had a frog in his throat he was so moved, or relieved or both, and in the locker room with his scholars celebrated with an adorable old white guy's attempt to dance a dance of his millennials. Here's mud in your eye, Mack.

The SEC had an uneven day. The boat fire turned dumpster fire on old Rocky Top and SC's loss to NC in the pit of that unevenness. But there were peaks. Alabama was still Alabama at Mercedes Benz Stadium in Atlanta, toying with Mack Brown's Tobacco Road cousin Dook, and #16 Auburn came from behind to beat #11 Oregon in Jerry's World in Big D. That was the pits for the PAC 12 whose hopes for relevance now rest on #14 Utah, easy victors over rival BYU who sink further into irrelevance.

B1G #7 Michigan, with a new millennial offense, B1G #5 Ohio State with a new head professor, and B1G #24 Nebraska with a second year head man won seemingly with ease over over-matched opponents imported and paid for the purpose, Middle Tennessee, Florida Atlantic and South Alabama respectively. The undersigned blogger did not follow those games a'tall, the margins of the bottom lines, 40-21, 45-21, and 35-21 were impressive but the undersigned wonders if three touchdowns each by Middle Atlantic South are worthy of celebration in the Big House and the Horseshoe and Faux Pelini's Basement.

The It team of 2018, Iowa State, with the It head coach Matt Campbell, nearly got Bit by them "Panthers" of Northern Iowa. Took the "Cyclops" three OT's, it did, to pen them "Panthers." UNI can bite folk, done it before will do it again and almost did it in Ames yesterday.

Sometimes the morning after Eye Opener doesn't taste as good after a hard night, even a good hard night but no matter how you feel this morn you still feel better than those folk on Rocky Top who get their corn from a jar.