Saturday, September 21, 2019

John Buchan was made Lord Tweedsmuir. So I assume he lived in the vicinity. Pause: What gate? Unpause. That landscape gives me the creeps like he described in Pilgrim's Way. Alone. Hemmed in.  Here's a pic of Tweedsmuir South Provincial Park.
Oh my God. That looks like that fucking Devil's Beef Tub to me. The colors in the Rainbow Range do not mitigate for me.

Oh my God. That is the worst one I've seen. From "Visit Scotland,"  too. There's the "utter greenness" that creeped him out. But that would not have creeped him out because of the water. Well, it creeps me out.

It looks like mold on tundra.

 don't like that landscape at all. Visit Scotland? No.