Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Trump Impeachment Inquiry

I do not trust Nancy Pelosi’s commitment to this, I am sorry to say. She is a master legislative tactician and strategist who was on record just months ago as opposing impeachment and she has put AOC, “The Squad,” and other impeachment-philesin their place, or tried to, tried to very hard, and she only moved, and then a tentative half-step Sunday after Evita worked a paradigm shift in the debate and shamed her. Pelosi does not take well to a 30 year-old freshman Congresswoman shaming her into action.

Pelosi has said she takes the long view, which means the drawn out view, and as Speaker she is in control of timing and pace. Long views and drawing out are near synonyms for deep-sixing and Pelosi is so goddamned shrewd that she will play her game the circumstances be damned and do so so deftly and subtly that the impeachment-philes will not have time or wherewithal to counter her machinations.

It was the moral gauntlet that Evita cast at Pelosi’s power pumps on Saturday night and I fear that Pelosi will appear to artfully dance to the new impeachment gospel song while still dancing around it.

Trump still has a curious soft spot for Nancy Pelosi and that of course is another suspicious circumstance that makes me wary that what Pelosi’s game really is is to hold the House for the Democrats uber alles. Trump is “not worth impeachment” meant most troublingly that the country was not worth impeachment of the man who has stolen it and resold it, and if that is not worth it then she could even more easily avoid a fully committed impeachment inquiry as not worth endangering Democratic control of the House.