Tuesday, September 22, 2020

The Plague of Trump: 200,768 Killed

We are making progress.

The pussy-boi manslayer knocked down 903 sunflowers today as reported to Johns Hopkins with new infections rising. Five hundred eighty-three combined were reported Killed during this weekend's reporting lag, which occurs on Sundays and Mondays. Tuesdays are the first day where the weekend reporting lag is made up so I find it helpful, perhaps mistakenly, to compare to Tuesdays past. On the previous Tuesday, Sept. 15, Trump Killed 1.228k, 325 more than today. As we measure things today on a relative scale, that is objectively Progress. Tuesday Sept. 8 was for reporting a third weekend day. Deaths Sept. 8 were a weekend-ish 445. Wednesday was the new Tuesday last week and on the ninth there was a gargantuan lag make-up, 1,206, again far more than today. Since last Tuesday doesn't really count we'll go back one more week to Sept. 1. Then, there were 1,067 reported Deaths to JHU, again, much less, 164 less, than today. Progress. It's all about progress and the progress has been good.

NYT's 14-day average reported Deaths is -4%, not much, but better than the alternative. The Times' 7-day average Deaths reporting has been falling for seven straight iterations from 878 in the Sept. 15 iteration to Sept. 21's 770, over one hundred Deaths fewer over their respective 7-days. Progress!

The worrying thing is Cases. There were 36.401k new Cases Sept. 20. We are not including Sept 21's daily figure and the Times' 7-day ave for Sept. 21 because,

Sept. 21: Officials in Texas reported thousands of undated, backlogged cases, causing a spike in the state and national data.

The Times' 14-day average for Cases is UP 14%. The Times' 7-day average reported Cases:

The new Cases 7-day average line is worse than the Deaths average was good. Since Cases most recent bottom on Sept. 12 at 34.588k the reported Cases 7-day average has risen every day for nine straight days through Sept. 20.. The Sept. 21 iteration was not reported by the Times for the reason given.

So, we're going to skip Sept. 21 entirely. The reported Cases 7-day average has risen from 34.588k in the Sept. 12 iteration to 41.101k Sept. 20, over 6,500.

The serious Trump Plague sites like JHU and the Times do not discount Cases as I do. To me the evil grail is Deaths. Deaths lag Cases by two-four weeks and 34.588k Cases is not chicken feed, that's a shit load of Cases historically in the U.S. 41.101k and the average increase it represents is real worrisome.The daily number and the 7-day average are on an ominous up hill run and, good as American medicine is, the Grim Piper will get paid. Deaths are going to rise.