Thursday, January 13, 2022

COVID-19 BIDEN +357 (Jan. 12, 2022)

No, no signs of the peak yet! An average of 781,203 new cases reported each day for a week. Up 159% from two weeks ago.

Where are the signs of less serious infection? Surpassing all previous peaks, even that of a year ago before vaccinations were available. 145,005 average daily hospitalizations, an 82% increase over two weeks.

Getting very close to Delta's peak. 1,827 average daily deaths. Up 51% in two weeks. Given the 3-4 week lag in deaths from cases almost none of Omicron's cases are baked into the death numbers. There is no doubt whatsoever that Omicron's deaths will exceed Delta's. No sign that Omicron is less deadly.

Have a happy night.