Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Biden warns the private sector that Russia is exploring options for cyberattacks.

“It’s part of Russia’s playbook,” Mr. Biden said in the statement. “Today, my administration is reiterating those warnings based on evolving intelligence that the Russian Government is exploring options for potential cyberattacks.”

The administration has no evidence of a specific, credible potential cyberattack against the United States, but rather “preparatory activity” targeting critical infrastructure, according to Anne Neuberger, Mr. Biden’s deputy national security adviser for cyber and emerging technology.

 the administration recently observed “preparatory activity” for potential hacking of American infrastructure, and had shared that information with companies in a classified briefing last week… Ms. Neuberger made clear there was still an active threat of Russian hacking against critical infrastructure, including oil and energy companies, and hospital systems.

…Ms. Neuberger said…”Those owners and operators have the ability and responsibility to harden the systems and networks we all rely on.”

The White House last week briefed more than 100 companies in the United States on the best ways to defend against a cyberattack. 

[Amazing. The Bidens are on top of everything in this war.]

The administration on Monday directed companies to “harden your cyber defenses immediately”…

“You have the power, the capacity, and the responsibility to strengthen the cybersecurity and resilience of the critical services and technologies on which Americans rely,” Biden said in the statement.

You have the responsibility, private America. That’s, like, an ORDER. Seriously, I would not want to be the company head who doesn’t take these steps ASAP. As the president has said in different contexts many times, there will be “CONSEQUENCES” if you don’t. Has the president ever talked out his ass even one time during this? The answer is NO. He is not going to start with you. This president don’t play. I don’t recommend you try him.

We must have a recording device planted in the dental fillings Anthropoid Vlad. We know everything.